우리 랩은 한국과학창의재단의 3년 과제인 창의교육거점센터의 주도적 프로그램인 3I 디자인씽킹 기반 교육 프로그램의 창의체험아카데미가 올해도 3일간(10월 28일, 11월 4일, 11월 18일) 열렸다. 디자인 씽킹 기반의 교재를 개발(30여개 프로그램)하여 충남대학교 사범대학의 선도협력학교(30여개) 학생들을 초청하여 Crossover Learning의 형태로 체험교육이 진행되었다.
Our lab holds the Creative Experience Academy of the 3I Design Thinking-based education program, a leading program of the Creative Education Base Center, a three-year project of the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity, for three days (October 28, November 4, and November 18) again this year. ) was opened. Design thinking-based teaching materials were developed (approximately 30 programs) and students from leading partner schools (approximately 30) of Chungnam National University's College of Education were invited to participate in experiential education in the form of Crossover Learning.