WisEdu 는
‘혁신’, ‘미래’, ‘실천’, ‘공감’, ‘전문성’, ‘디지털’, ‘아날로그’, ‘성찰’의
핵심 키워드를 통하여 [사람다움], [교육다움]의 책임있는 연구·교육을 지향합니다.
- W Wow 감동 교육
- I Innovation 혁신 교육
- S Sustainability 지속 가능한 교육
- E Empathy 공감 교육
- D Dynamics 열정 교육
- U Uniqueness 독창적 교육
디자인 씽킹 기반의 교육 혁신을 디자인합니다.Lab
교육, 연구 퍼실리테이팅 공동체입니다.
WisEdu is
committed to conducting responsible research and education that is
[human-centered] and [focused on enhancing the learning experience] through the core keywords of ‘innovation’, ‘future’, ‘practice’, ‘empathy’, ‘professionalism’, ‘digital’, ‘analog’, and ‘reflection’.
- W Wow
(Touching) education - I Innovation education
- S Sustainability education
- E Empathy education
- D Dynamics education
- U Uniqueness education
We design educational innovation based on design thinking.Lab
We are an educational, research facilitating community.
WisEdu Design Lab
와이즈 에듀 디자인 랩은
충남대학교 사범대학 기술교육과 최유현 교수 및
국내외 교육 전문가와의 협력 네트워크로
연구 기반 미래 교육의 실천 연구 및 교육 성과를 공유하고
서비스하는 팀입니다.
WisEdu Design Lab
WisEdu Design Lab is
a collaborative team that shares and provides services for practical research and educational achievements in research-based future education.
We work in close cooperation with Professor Yu-hyun Choi from the Department of Technology Education at the College of Education at Chungnam National University, as well as with domestic and international education experts.
WisEdu Design Lab
와이즈 에듀 디자인 랩의
연구 개발 프로젝트는 충남대학교 산학협력단으로 통하여 이루어집니다.
WisEdu Design Lab
To support our research and development projects,
WisEdu Design Lab collaborates with the Chungnam National University Industry-Academic Collaboration Foundation.
This collaboration ensures a strong connection between academia and industry, enabling us to conduct impactful projects that contribute to the advancement of education.
WisEdu Design Lab
Through this cooperative network and partnership,
WisEdu Design Lab aims to promote innovative approaches to education and drive positive change in the field of education.
We are dedicated to conducting practical research, developing educational solutions, and making meaningful contributions to the education community.